None of us exist or function in isolation from others. Everyone around you, your family, your friends, your coworkers, your neighbors, has an influence on your life. The quality of the relationships may use descriptors like inclusion and boundaries, proximity and distance, intimacy and privacy, and many more.
Using stones to represent the players in your story visually, we examine them through the lens of spatial relationships. The arrangement of the stones is the "constellation". This can be a powerful way to understand what is going on not only between you and the players in your own life story, but also the hidden dynamics between others. Put simply, the invisible currents of relationships are made visible through laying them out in such constellations.
Important note: Although family constellations are often used in the therapeutic context, and usually includes the use of unrelated people as role players, my use of objects for describing constellations is a coaching tool. The goal of the technique is to help you gain the awareness you need to navigate your relationships more skillfully.